Sunday Services

Our vision is to make church accessible for everyone. We have a monthly pattern of services with everything from Messy Church to Choral Evensong.

1st Sunday:
9:30am Messy Church
11:30am Eucharist Service
6:00pm Choral Evensong

2nd Sunday:
9:30am Choral Eucharist with Junior Church

6:00pm Behold Service (reflective style)

3rd Sunday:
9:00am Breakfast Church (food from 9am, starts 9.30am)
11:30am Eucharist Service
6:00pm Behold Service

4th Sunday:
9:30am Holy Communion with Junior Church

6:00pm Behold Service with healing

5th Sunday:
9.30am Mothering Sunday Mission Service

6:00pm Behold Service

Services during the week:

Holy Communion Service every Tuesday at 11.00am

Morning Prayer every Wednesday in the Chancel at 9:15am.